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until first session

Don’t Miss the First Day
of Summer Camp!

welcome to our

Hello Summer Camp

our features

What you get

Year after year, families tell us why they choose Hello Summer as a priority place for their kids to spend summer holidays at and to have the best time ever:

about the company

Camp Activities

learn our camping

virtual camping tour

Summer camp is a program for children or teens during summer months in many countries. Children and adolescents are called campers.

our benefits

why choose us

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Diversity abounds

Natural all the way

Experienced and trustworthy

summer 2018

Rates & Dates

Junior Camp

May 26 – June 18, 2018
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More Info

Main Camp

June 26 – July 27, 2018
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More Info

August Camp

August 05 – August 30, 2018
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehendecat cupidatat non proidemed ut perspiciatis.
More Info
receive the best

memories to last a lifetime

Values & Philosophy

Get ready

for the summer
of a lifetime!

The traditional view of a summer camp as a woody place with hiking, canoeing, and campfires is changing, with greater acceptance of newer types of summer camps that offer a wide variety of specialized activities.

Register for Camp
Thinking about going to
camp next summer?


Book Now to secure your
place in the programme!

Photo Gallery


What People Say

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